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Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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  • Congratulations to Granin N. and his co-authors on the occasion of publication of their paper in the journal JGR: Biogeosciences!

Congratulations to Granin N. and his co-authors on the occasion of publication of their paper in the journal JGR: Biogeosciences!

Sharma S., Richardson D.C., Woolway R.I., Imrit M.A, Bouffard D., Blagrave K., Daly J., Filazzola A., Granin N., Korhonen J., Magnuson J., Marszelewski W., Matsuzaki S. Shin-Ichiro, Perry W., Robertson D.M., Rudstam L.G., Weyhenmeyer G.A., Yao H. Loss of ice cover, shifting phenology, and more extreme events in northern hemisphere lakes // JGR Biogeosciences.-2021. DOI: 10.1029/2021JG006348