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  • Congratulation to Y. Molozhnikova and her co-authors on the occasion of publication of their paper in Journal of Environmental Sciences!

Congratulation to Y. Molozhnikova and her co-authors on the occasion of publication of their paper in Journal of Environmental Sciences!

The paper is devoted to integrated observation of aerosols spatial-temporal distributions during an expedition on Lake Baikal using different methods including lidar probing of the atmosphere.

O. Popovicheva, E. Molozhnikova, S. Nasonov, V. Potemkin, I. Penner, M. Klemasheva, I. Marinaite, L. Golobokova, S. Vratolis, K. Eleftheriadis, T. Khodzher. Industrial and wildfire aerosol pollution over world heritage Lake Baikal // Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2021. – V. 107. – P. 49-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2021.01.011